A place is a city or airport that can serve as an origin or destination.
The metropolitan area where the airport is located. Only present for airports which are registered with IATA as belonging to a metropolitan area.
The 3-letter IATA code for the city where the place is located. Only present for airports which are registered with IATA as belonging to a metropolitan area.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country where the city is located
The latitude position of the airport represented in Decimal degrees with 6 decimal points with a range between -90° and 90°
The longitude position of the airport represented in Decimal degrees with 6 decimal points with a range between -180° and 180°
The time zone of the airport, specified by name from the tz database
List Place suggestions
Retrieves a list of Places whose airport/city/country name or IATA code match the provided query or are within a radius of a location
curl -X GET --compressed "" \-H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Duffel-Version: v2" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
{"warnings": [{"type": "deprecation","title": "`name` field has been deprecated","message": "Use the `query` field instead","code": "deprecated_parameter"}],"data": [{"type": "airport","time_zone": "Europe/London","name": "Heathrow","longitude": -141.951519,"latitude": 64.068865,"id": "arp_lhr_gb","icao_code": "EGLL","iata_country_code": "GB","iata_code": "LHR","iata_city_code": "LON","city_name": "London","city": {"name": "London","id": "cit_lon_gb","iata_country_code": "GB","iata_code": "LON","airports": [{"time_zone": "Europe/London","name": "Heathrow","longitude": -141.951519,"latitude": 64.068865,"id": "arp_lhr_gb","icao_code": "EGLL","iata_country_code": "GB","iata_code": "LHR"}]},"airports": [{"time_zone": "Europe/London","name": "Heathrow","longitude": -141.951519,"latitude": 64.068865,"id": "arp_lhr_gb","icao_code": "EGLL","iata_country_code": "GB","iata_code": "LHR","iata_city_code": "LON","city_name": "London","city": {"name": "London","id": "cit_lon_gb","iata_country_code": "GB","iata_code": "LON","airports": [{"time_zone": "Europe/London","name": "Heathrow","longitude": -141.951519,"latitude": 64.068865,"id": "arp_lhr_gb","icao_code": "EGLL","iata_country_code": "GB","iata_code": "LHR"}]}}]}]}