An accommodation recorded by Duffel
The amenities for this accommodation. This can be null when we are unable to retrieve amenity data. Accommodation amenities aid guests in identifying the accommodation that suits their needs. These are intended for programmatic use to support filtering or promoting specific accommodation attributes.
The accommodation email address. This field can only be populated on the accommodation for a completed booking. Note that this data may differ from the accommodation records if it was updated directly by the accommodation after the booking was created.
The accommodation phone number. This field can only be populated on the accommodation for a completed booking. This is provided directly by the accommodation and the format is not guaranteed. Note that this data may differ from the accommodation records if it was updated directly by the accommodation after the booking was created."
Ratings given to an accommodation by a rating source.
This can be empty if the accommodation does not have any ratings. This can also be null if we are unable to retrieve ratings.
These are commonly represented as "stars". In Duffel Stays, they have a 1-5 scale.
They can come from multiple sources. Currently available rating sources are:
: star rating.
These should be displayed as "stars". While can add half a star to a rating, these ratings are rounded down to the nearest full star in Duffel Stays.
: star rating.
These should be displayed as "stars". While can add half a star to a rating, these ratings are rounded down to the nearest full star in Duffel Stays.
: Expedia star rating.
These should be displayed as "stars". While Expedia can add half a star to a rating, these ratings are rounded down to the nearest full star in Duffel Stays.
These should be displayed as "diamonds".
: Northstar Travel Media Hotel Crown Rating.
These should be displayed as "crowns".
Bookable rooms for this accommodation. A room is a single accommodation unit. It might contain multiple beds.
A type of room at an accommodation, containing its characteristics and a range of bookable rates. To learn more about accommodation, rooms and rates and presenting them to customers, check out Stays Key Concepts.
The loyalty programme that is supported by the accommodation.
Note that while the accommodation might support a loyalty programme in general, not all rates will. See the rate's supported_loyalty_programme
property to check this on a per-rate basis.
, "choice_privileges"
, "marriott_bonvoy"
, "best_western_rewards"
, "world_of_hyatt"
, "hilton_honors"
, "ihg_one_rewards"
, "leaders_club"
, "stash_rewards"
, "omni_select_guest"
, "i_prefer"
, "accor_live_limitless"
, "my_6"
, "jumeirah_one"
, "global_hotel_alliance_discovery"
, or "duffel_hotel_group_rewards"
List accommodation
This is not yet finalised. It may change, or be removed or be not yet accessible.
Returns a paginated list of accommodation for the given criteria
Query parameters
A cursor pointing to the previous page of records. For more information on how to paginate through records, see the Pagination section.
A cursor pointing to the next page of records. For more information on how to paginate through records, see the Pagination section.
The maximum number of records to return per page. Defaults to 50
May be set to any integer between 1
and 200
. For more information on how to paginate through records, see the Pagination section.
The latitude position of the search's center, represented in Decimal degrees with 6 decimal points with a range between -90° and 90°
The longitude position of the search's center, represented in Decimal degrees with 6 decimal points with a range between -180° and 180°
This is not yet finalised. It may change, or be removed or be not yet accessible.
curl -X GET --compressed "" \-H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-H "Duffel-Version: v2" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
{"meta": {"limit": 50,"after": "g2wAAAACbQAAABBBZXJvbWlzdC1LaGFya2l2bQAAAB="},"data": [{"supported_loyalty_programme": "duffel_hotel_group_rewards","rooms": [{"rates": [{"total_currency": "GBP","total_amount": "799.00","tax_currency": "GBP","tax_amount": "82.23","supported_loyalty_programme": "duffel_hotel_group_rewards","quantity_available": 12,"public_currency": "GBP","public_amount": "699.99","payment_type": "pay_now","id": "rat_0000BTVRuKZTavzrZDJ4cb","fee_currency": "GBP","fee_amount": "50.94","due_at_accommodation_currency": "GBP","due_at_accommodation_amount": "39.95","deal_types": ["closed_user_group","mobile"],"conditions": [{"title": "Parking","description": "Public parking is available nearby for £15 per day"}],"cancellation_timeline": [{"refund_amount": "799.00","currency": "GBP","before": "2023-05-23T13:00:00Z"}],"board_type": "room_only","base_currency": "GBP","base_amount": "665.83","available_payment_methods": [["balance"]]}],"photos": [{"url": ""}],"name": "Double Suite","beds": [{"type": "king","count": 2}]}],"review_score": 8.8,"rating": 3,"photos": [{"url": ""}],"phone_number": "+442074938181","name": "Duffel Test Hotel","location": {"geographic_coordinates": {"longitude": -0.1416,"latitude": 51.5071},"address": {"region": "England","postal_code": "EC2A 4TP","line_one": "100 Clifton Street","country_code": "GB","city_name": "London"}},"key_collection": {"instructions": "Please collect the keys from accommodation's reception."},"id": "acc_0000AWr2VsUNIF1Vl91xg0","email": "","description": "Ornate quarters, some with grand pianos, in a luxurious hotel offering acclaimed dining & a spa.","check_in_information": {"check_out_before_time": "11:30","check_in_before_time": "00:00","check_in_after_time": "14:30"},"chain": {"name": "Duffel Hotel Group"},"brand": {"name": "Duffel Test","id": "bra_0000Alr8BYNsbmDMThHSbI"},"amenities": [{"type": "parking","description": "Parking"}]}]}
Get accommodation
This is not yet finalised. It may change, or be removed or be not yet accessible.
Gets a specific accommodation's details.
This is not yet finalised. It may change, or be removed or be not yet accessible.
curl -X GET --compressed "{id}" \-H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-H "Duffel-Version: v2" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
{"data": {"supported_loyalty_programme": "duffel_hotel_group_rewards","rooms": [],"review_score": 8.8,"rating": 3,"photos": [{"url": ""}],"phone_number": "+442074938181","name": "Duffel Test Hotel","location": {"geographic_coordinates": {"longitude": -0.1416,"latitude": 51.5071},"address": {"region": "England","postal_code": "EC2A 4TP","line_one": "100 Clifton Street","country_code": "GB","city_name": "London"}},"key_collection": {"instructions": "Please collect the keys from accommodation's reception."},"id": "acc_0000AWr2VsUNIF1Vl91xg0","email": "","description": "Ornate quarters, some with grand pianos, in a luxurious hotel offering acclaimed dining & a spa.","check_in_information": {"check_out_before_time": "11:30","check_in_before_time": "00:00","check_in_after_time": "14:30"},"chain": {"name": "Duffel Hotel Group"},"brand": {"name": "Duffel Test","id": "bra_0000Alr8BYNsbmDMThHSbI"},"amenities": [{"type": "parking","description": "Parking"}]}}
Search for accommodation suggestions
This is not yet finalised. It may change, or be removed or be not yet accessible.
An endpoint to look for accommodation suggestions. It returns a list of suggestions, which is an excerpt of the actual accommodation data.
This is not yet finalised. It may change, or be removed or be not yet accessible.
curl -X POST --compressed "" \-H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-H "Duffel-Version: v2" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \-d '{"data": {"query": "rits","location": {"radius": 5,"geographic_coordinates": {"longitude": -0.1416,"latitude": 51.5071}}}}'
{"data": [{"accommodation_name": "Duffel Test Hotel","accommodation_location": {"geographic_coordinates": {"longitude": -0.1416,"latitude": 51.5071},"address": {"region": "England","postal_code": "EC2A 4TP","line_one": "100 Clifton Street","country_code": "GB","city_name": "London"}},"accommodation_id": "acc_0000AWr2VsUNIF1Vl91xg0"}]}