Paying with cards in corporate booking tools
Duffel provides a Payment card industry (PCI) compliant way for your corporate customers to pay airlines and accommodation providers directly for their bookings.
This guide will walk you through how to capture your cards, have the customers complete a 3DS challenge when required, and book flights or accommodation directly with these cards. To pay with cards adds new steps to the normal search, select and create instant orders workflow:
Search for Offers
Select Offer
Create Order
This guide assumes that you already have a working integration with the Duffel API. Only the basics of searching and booking are required for this guide. If you could use a refresher, please head over to our Quick Start Guide.
Is this guide right for you?
This section helps you understand which implementation guide to follow based on the types of cards your customers plan to pay with.
Individual cards are physical or virtual cards that are issued to an individual person. These can be either cards issued for personal use, or corporate cards issued in the name of an employee.
Corporate cards are physical or virtual cards that are issued to a business, and may be issued with either individual or a company as the cardholder name. Personal use cards that are used for business use by an employee or contractor are not classified as corporate cards even if the transactions are for business.
To determine if this integration guide is right for your integration please answer the following questions for each type of card you plan to accept:
Question 1: Is your customer paying with a physical card issued to an individual?
If the answer is Yes → Please implement our Paying with customer card guide.
If the answer is No → Please continue to the next question.
Question 2: Is the card being used within a secure corporate environment?
A secure corporate environment is where company employees require secure logins to make bookings. Examples of a secure corporate environment:
You offer a corporate travel Online Booking Tool (OBT) that is only accessible by authorised employees through a secure login.
You are a Travel Management Company (TMC) that stores corporate card details of your customers’ employees using secure profiles that are only accessible by your authorised employees through a secure login.
If the answer is No → Please implement our Paying with customer card guide.
If the answer is Yes → Please continue, this guide is written for you.
PCI compliance
Payment card industry (PCI) compliance is required by credit card companies when make secure online transactions to minimise the risk of fraud and identity theft. Any merchant that handles credit card information, including processing, storing or transmitting, is required to be compliant.
Duffel is a PCI DSS Level 1 certified service provider, adhering to the highest compliance standards.
By following this guide, you can minimise your PCI compliance requirements. Duffel’s functionality for managing all card data collection means your customers' card information never touches your servers, significantly reducing your PCI compliance obligations.
All companies who handle card data are required to perform annual assessments to ensure you take appropriate measures to handle card details securely. Customers collecting customer card details using our web component typically are only required to do the lightest form of self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ-A). It is your responsibility to ensure you are complying with PCI guidelines for your business. Please see the PCI security standards website to find out which SAQ is right for your business.
Approval is required to pay using cards. Please get in touch with the Duffel support team at to request approval for your corporate booking tool before beginning your integration.
Sending cards details
is a resource that will be used to represent a card that does not expose PCI sensitive data and can be used to pay travel suppliers directly.Once your customer has searched for and selected an offer to book, you now need to pass the card details to be able to pay for the booking from your environment to Duffel.
Use Duffel’s card endpoints to securely store the card details on Duffel’s servers ready for checkout.
curl -X POST --compressed "" \-H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-H "Duffel-Version: v2" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \-d '{"data": {"address_city": "London","address_country_code": "GB","address_line_1": "1 Downing St","address_line_2": "First floor","address_postal_code": "EC2A 4RQ","address_region": "London","expiry_month": "03","expiry_year": "30","name": "Neil Armstrong","number": "4242424242424242","cvc": "123","multi_use": false}}'
{"data": {"id": "tcd_00009hthhsUZ8W4LxQgkjb","live_mode": false,"last_4_digits": "4242","multi_use": false,"brand": "visa","unavailable_at": "2024-01-20T12:00:00Z"}}
Field definitions can be found in the API reference.
Initiating a 3DS Session
Card payments must be authenticated before authorisation of a payment can be given. In this step, we will perform 3DS authentication for a card payment and use the result to place an order using the Duffel API.
All bookings made in a secure corporate environment with a corporate card do not require the end user to authorise the payment using an authentication challenge. Instead, you must declare that the transaction was initiated inside a secure corporate environment. To make that declaration, you must initiate a 3DS Session with the
parameter set to secure_corporate_payment
In the example below you can see how to create a 3DS session using the exception for a secure corporate payment which allows you to then go straight to payment.
curl -X POST --compressed "" \-H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-H "Duffel-Version: v2" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \-d '{"data": {"card_id": "tcd_00009hthhsUZ8W4LxQgkjb","resource_id": "off_00009htYpSCXrwaB9DnUm0","services": [{"id": "sea_00003hthlsHZ8W4LxXjkzo", "quantity": 1}],"multi_use": false,"exception": "secure_corporate_payment"}}'
{"data": {"id": "3ds_00004htsssTG8W4LxQgrtp","live_mode": false,"card_id": "tcd_00009hthhsUZ8W4LxQgkjb","resource_id": "off_00009htYpSCXrwaB9DnUm0","expires_at": "2024-12-21T12:21:12Z","status": "ready_for_payment","client_id": "tds_visa_5a9a7b0a574c"}}
Note that the
field is ready_for_payment
can now be used to pay when creating a Flights order, hold order, order change or to pay for a Stays booking.There are 2 outcomes when using
exception, either the status is ready_for_payment
or failed
because the card can't be used with the secure_corporate_payment
exception.Further information in the request and response schema can be found in the API reference.
Testing your integration
In test mode the following card details can be used to trigger different outcomes on the card acceptance of the 3DS flow.
Follow the below instructions to simulate the different 3DS authentication scenarios in test mode:
Card number:
Test scenario | Visa | Mastercard | American Express |
Ready for payment | 4111110116638870 | 5555550130659057 | 378282246310005 |
Failed | 4242424242424242 | 5555555555554444 | 378282246310005 |
Expiry date: Use any future date for
and expiry_year
Card Verification Code (CVC): Use any valid value for
. 3 digits for Visa and Mastercard, 4 digits for American Express.Address details: Use any valid address.
Test Scenarios - Card Payment Declined
Suppliers can decline card payments for multiple reasons (perceived risk, insufficient funds, etc.).
Follow the below instructions to simulate payment declined scenarios in test mode:
To simulate a payment declined in Flights, use
when creating the card record.To simulate a payment declined in Stays, select the
Payment declined when Booking
room on the Duffel Test Hotel.